quarta-feira, maio 25, 2011

Dolce far niente

Today I cleaned my college books, my papers, my drawers. I dusted off my books and separated the ones I'll read. All that while I laughed with Rach on skype. It felt wonderful. And that's not to say I'm still going for ice cream later, and coffee. Since I started talking about my days like a 15 year-old girl would do on a very boring diary I must say I slept from 10am to 1pm on Monday. I woke up, looked around, and slept a little more just to prove a point to my body that I can sleep more if I want to.  Yesterday I spoiled my brain with very cold passion fruit, for my nerves, and a silly romantic book.

Thinking I should freaking glue a sticker on the back of my car saying life is good? oh yeah.

The past three weeks were hard, demanding, pushy and scary, but I succeeded. The anxiety of before has vanished and given place to this complete feeling of mission accomplished. And now everything is well, most of things anyway.

Sometimes I wonder why can't we learn from happiness? or happy days like the ones on that butter commercial?  maybe because it is rare to realize when we're happy and calm, only because when we actually do it, we already lost it. Then we just miss it.  

Well, this time I refuse. Here comes the sun, the summer sun along with the flowers, and I say it's alright to celebrate and enjoy and do nothing, at least for a while. Dolce far niente makes perfect sense and I have not become an American to not realize how great it is to not have anything to do and not feel guilty about it.

3 comentários:

  1. \o/ yeah...happy days!!!
    btw, amei a foto!

  2. Hi Sweetie,
    it's great to read that you feel good again!! :-* (but with almost 80 degrees and sunshine it's not a wonder with you;)

    Love you!

  3. Oi Rebecca!!

    Acabei de ler a sua entrevista e adorei :) rs

    Vim aqui agradecer pelo comentario no meu blog. Por mais que todos digam que eu me sinto assim pois essa eh a fase de `adaptacao` eu sinto que o problema nao eh esse. Tenho problemas com a fa milia, minha vida no Brasil estava muito boa (sabe quando ta td dando certo? ai eu fui e inventei de vir pra ca...rsrs cabecuda mesmo) e muito mais coisas. Vamos ver ate onde eu aguento, pois como vc disse essa eh uma experiencia maravilhosa e faz a gente crescer muito. Eu, em 2 meses aqui, sinto que cresci muito... Vou terminar o curso, que eh a minha prioridade aqui e depois vou resolver o que faco da vida :)
